Kakve sve videe mogu napraviti za Vas?
Logo animacija
Koji proizvod/usluga je u pitanju i za koga (pol, lokacija, godine, interesovanja i sl.)
Video prezentacija Vaše firme
Pošaljite mi Vašu priču i materijal koji imate, logo, slike, tekstovi, podaci…
Video Explainer
"Responzivni" videi za društvene mreže
Animirana infografika
Animirani grafikoni, „pite“ i dr. prikazi statističkih podataka na zanimljiv i jasan način. Ovo može biti i poseban video (nekoliko animiranih podataka npr.) a i deo nekog dužeg videa, emisije, video explainer-a, dokumentarca itd.
Materijal za uživo tv program / live internet streaming
O meni
Zovem se Đorđe Pivnički, u Bečeju živim i radim sa klijentima bez obzira na lokaciju.
Pored izrade videa radim i grafički dizajn, social media menadžment i marketing. Radim i izradu sajtova u WordPress-u – opširnije.
Ako pokrećete biznis i ili ga već imate ali želite kvalitetan nastup na društvenim mrežama i uopšte na internetu, pošaljite mi poruku da vidimo kako Vam mogu pomoći.
Motion Graphics
Za TV and društvene mreže
Wordpress i E-komerc
Najpopularniji i najmoćniji CMS (Content Management system – sistem za upravljanje sadržajem).
I had the pleasure to work with Djordje on several different projects and I would recommend him to anyone looking for a highly-skilled professional with a bright and quick creative mind. He always delivered everything on time, and in desirable quality, but what really made him stand out is the way he solves creative challenges. Each and every time he made good ideas better with his ideas and skills.
I have been in graphic design for over 20 years. Since I met Djordje about ten years ago, I started to offer videos for my clients with Djordje’s collaboration. He is a fast and talented animator and it is a pleasure to work with him.
Djordje’s AE Templates are always high quality and beautifully made. He makes it super easy to customize his templates for myself and clients. He’s one of THE best motion graphic artists I know. I’ve been a fan of him and his work the past 15 years or so. If you need any kind of motion graphic, he’s your go-to guy. 😃
Djordje Pivnicki is certainly the best (and dearest) associate of our team. We always get „added value“ from him which he brings to the project with his knowledge and dedication. He is characterized by the accuracy and precision of the set deadlines. Quote from a colleague: „Pivnicki is the king!“
When we raised Digitalk as a new brand, I was really lucky to be connected with Djordje, whom we entrusted to bring adequate dynamics to our new project through animations. Animations and video content are essential for every digital product in order to get closer to its target audience, and Djordje is extremely talented in this field and above all, he understands the needs of the client. We have continued our cooperation with Djordje on the following projects, and his dedication, attention to details and top quality of the final product are really the qualities that make him stand out as a very reliable and creative collaborator.
We have done business with Djordje on numerous occassions on a variety of different projects throughout the years. With all of those projects, not only did his work meet our specifications, but they absolutely exceed in quality and expectations!
Kako sam napravio svoj logo
Nikad nisam imao svoj logo, to parče grafike ili stilizovan tekst po kojem te ljudi prepoznaju. Konačno, posle 20 godina rada u kreativnoj industriji sam odlučio da je krajnje vreme da uradim neko grafičko rešenje za sebe. Nadam se da vam se dopada. Kako sam počeo?...